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Rethinking Enterprise Policy: Can Failure Trigger New Understanding?

S. Bridge

[PDF.ft97] Rethinking Enterprise Policy: Can Failure Trigger New Understanding?

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 | #4502179 in eBooks |  2010-08-04 |  2010-08-04 | File type: PDF

|| ||'Having begun as an insider, and then become an outsider, few people can write about enterprise policy with the same authority as Simon Bridge. His central conclusion is that 'enterprise does not respond to policies to increase it in the way that the originat

Policies to increase the level of enterprise and entrepreneurship, in many countries and regions, have often failed. This book explores this and gives alternative views to derive a different model, based on social influence, which is consistent with the evidence and which might therefore lead to better policy.

You easily download any file type for your device.Rethinking Enterprise Policy: Can Failure Trigger New Understanding?   |  S. Bridge. A good, fresh read, highly recommended.

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